
Thursday, July 21, 2011

From the Beginning

After a good deal of consideration, I think the best place for me start is with a synopsis of our first efforts. When we began, we had no clue really what we were doing, nor how we were going to go about it. Of course, we knew a few basic things we needed to accomplish such as lowering and eventually eliminating all debt, a reduction of living and food costs, and a fairly aggressive savings plan. Our local library has proven to be a valuable asset in our journey providing a seemingly never-ending supply of information to not only start our path, but also a few stories to keep us motivated. I highly recommend a visit to your own local library's homesteading/sustainable living section if you are even considering exiting main stream living. Keep in mind as you read the remainder of this post that all the steps we have taken to date are a starting point. We have already made mistakes, and I have no doubt that there will be more to come in our future. The following contains our efforts to date.

Not only did we start our adventure with 0 savings, but we also had a considerable amount of debt. We searched and researched financial advisers in our area as retirement in such a short period of time would most definitely be impossible without investment. After narrowing the field and actually meeting with several of these gurus, we decided on one, and immediately began a very modest monthly investment to be automatically withdrawn from our checking account. I then spent some time with my banker to set up a separate bank savings account which is likewise drafted directly from checking. I also stashed any extra cash I could get my hands on until I reached what I considered a reasonable emergency fund. Although these saving methods are not nearly aggressive enough for our early societal exit, they do set us off in the right direction while we apply the remainder of our earnings to debt. As time goes on, I will post updates whenever I pay off any substantial debt, and I will post a celebration when the time comes that we pay off our very last debt... our house!

Initially, we just knew that we wanted to convert to a complete solar system as quickly as possible. After all, we had heard that not only would our home's energy be cost free ever after, but our additional energy could go back into the grid, and we would be paid for our extra power. Right? Well maybe we are missing something, but in all of our pretty extensive research, this is not what we found to be true at all. In summary, we have decided the most effective way for us to save on energy is to simply use less. Don't get me wrong, we still have plans for some solar such as operating our chicken coup completely with it and potentially eventually a solar hot water heater. However, we have already seen a nearly 50% decrease in our energy costs just by monitoring and reining in our excess usage. We replaced all our light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs, purchased an energy star refrigerator/freezer, put our pc's and equipment on power strips, turned our central unit up/down a few degrees respectively, started really conserving on dishwasher and laundry use, line dry as many clothes as possible, and we try to be vigilant in turning off anything not in use. This fall we will be adding insulation to our attic and winterizing our home by caulking and using foam sealant underneath the house. Our current heating is electric which of course is terribly inefficient, so our next big project is converting to natural gas infrared heating. I am always searching for other ways that we can conserve and save. I will immediately post any future discoveries, trials, successes, or mishaps.

Miscellaneous Savings
One of our very first efforts was to evaluate our monthly expenses and discontinue any service we felt that we could live without. While we did find substantial savings in this area, we also made a joint decision to keep just a few luxuries such as internet and Netflix. There may be a time when we further downsize, but for now we are comfortable and still able to make progress.

We now grow 100% of the herbs used in my kitchen along with some used for medicinal purposes such as echinacea and chamomile. We have an ever expanding vegetable garden, plus we have planted 4 fruit trees and 2 blueberry bushes. Our micro farm now also includes 6 chickens to provide us with eggs to eat and manure for composting. I am constantly scouring the internet for frugal yet yummy recipes. Soon, I intend to add a recipe section to my blog where I will post our favorite budget friendly meals. In addition I plan to post about energy conservation in the kitchen siting tips and tricks that I have picked up along the way.

There are several small areas where we have found ways to save including clothing and entertainment, but I will eventually be adding details in respective individual posts. Although I am sure I am forgetting some important saving strategies, these have been the key steps we have taken in our journey. As time moves on, I will be updating my blog anytime I remember or learn anything beneficial.